Aluminium Scrap
- Stainless Steel Scrap (304, 304L, 305, 309, 310, 316, 316L, Duplex Steel, 174ph, 410, 430 etc.)
- Heavy Melting Scrap
- Copper Scrap

Aluminium Scraps includes:
- Talc (POST-CONSUMER ALUMINUM CAN SCRAP) Scrap : Shall consist of old aluminum food and/or beverage cans. The material is to be free of other scrap metals, foil, tin cans, plastic bottles, paper, glass, and other non-metallic items.
- Talcred (SHREDDED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN SCRAP) : Shall have a density of 12 to 17 pounds per cubic foot (193 to 273 kg/m3). Material should contain maximum 5% fines less than 4 mesh (U.S. standard screen size) (6.35 mm).
Must be magnetically separated material and free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and other plastics, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and other foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection.
Any and all aluminum items, other than used beverage cans, are not acceptable.
- Taldon (BALED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN ‘UBC’ SCRAP) : This is the scrap is made of pure Aluminium which have Aluminium purity of +99.0%. It is generally available in bailed shape. Grade – 1350.
- Tale (PAINTED SIDING): Shall consist of clean, low copper aluminum siding scrap, painted one or two sides, free of plastic coating, iron, dirt, corrosion, fiber, foam, or fiberglass backing or other non-metallic items.
- Aluminium Wire Scrap : There are generally two types of Aluminium Wire Scrap being generated mainly by electricity companies :
A.) One is from ACSR conductor in which the Aluminium purity will be more than 99.5%. Grade - 1350.
B.) Second is from AAAC conductors having Al. purity of 98-98.5%. Both the scraps are having less melting loss i.e. 4-5% as there is no coating or lamination found on the wire surface. Grade - 6101.
- Talon : This is a good scrap of Aluminium as it generally available in thick surface. It is being generated from various component manufacturing. Having Aluminium purity +98% and melting loss of 6-7%.
- Taint/Tabor (CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM) : Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted.
- Telic (MIXED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGS ‘Swarf & Turning’) : Shall consist of clean, uncorroded aluminum borings and turnings of two or more alloys and subject to deductions for fines in excess of 3% through a 20 mesh screen and dirt, free iron, oil, moisture and all other non-metallic items.
- Tread (SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND EXTRUSIONS) : Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum castings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloy only and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc, iron, dirt, oil, grease and other nonmetallic items.
- Trump (ALUMINUM AUTO CASTINGS) : Shall consist of all clean automobile aluminum castings of sufficient size to be readily identified and to be free from iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%.
- Twitch (FLOATED FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP ‘from Automobile Shredders’) : Derived from wet or dry media separation device, the material must be dry and not contain more than 1% maximum free zinc, 1% maximum free magnesium, and 1% maximum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 2% maximum of nonmetallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized material, air bag canisters, or any sealed or pressurized items.
- Aluminium Extrusion 6063 : Shall consist of Clean Extrusion Window & Door Frames. Must be free from iron inserts, Screw and plastic, rubber and etc.
- Remelt Aluminum Ingot : Shall consist of remelted aluminum scrap from a sweat furnace operation & poured into a uniform pigs or ingot blocks with a minimum weight of 25 lb., and a maximum weight of 75 lb.. Must be free of slag or dross materials and prepared in a uniform material handleable form. Similar to ISRI code THROB.